Colourful mile
The trade fair for training, jobs, further education and qualifications in your community
The Colourful Mile goes into the next round. On Saturday, 12 October 2024 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the vocational training centre of the Frankfurt/Oder Chamber of Crafts in Hennickendorf , we would like to show that the municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin is not only a great place to live, but above all has many attractive employers. Finding apprenticeships & job offers, further training and qualifications - that's what visitors can expect on this day. The offers are aimed at people looking for training, working people, job seekers, commuters and anyone who would like to (re)orientate themselves.
Present yourself as an employer
Above all, the day depends on you: Take the opportunity to present your offers. Get to know interested parties in a personal conversation, network with each other as an exhibitor and take advantage of the counselling services for employers offered by the Employment Agency, the Chamber of Skilled Crafts Frankfurt (Oder) / East Brandenburg Region and the East Brandenburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
Registrations are still possible, e.g. online.
No stand rental fee will be charged.
Of particular interest are training and job offers, but also internships and holiday jobs for the current year or in the future. Activities at the stand or outside are very welcome.
Do you have further ideas? Then please do not hesitate to contact us.
With the kind support of:
The next Bunte Meile will take place on 12 October 2024 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the premises of the Hennickendorf Vocational Training Centre. Showing potential and prospects in the community - here you can live and work well, find training places & job offers, continue your education and gain qualifications. Are you looking for training, working, looking for work, commuting or would you like to (re)orientate yourself? Then you've come to the right place.
- by public transport: Plusbus 950 S Strausberg - Rüdersdorf - S Erkner, stop Hennickendorf (MOL) Dorf
- by car: Rehfelder Str. 50, 15378 Rüdersdorf near Berlin OT Hennickendorf
The programme of the event will be continuously supplemented here.
Experience craftsmanship and technology
- 11 Uhr: “lauter Knall” Airbag-Vorführung mit anschließender Personenrettung aus einem Fahrzeug durch die Feuerwehr
- 12 Uhr: „Selbstfahrende Autos“, wie der Fahrer zum Passagier wird - Stand und Ausblicke durch das Kompetenzzentrum „Digitalisierung und Vernetzung im Fahrzeug"
- Unfallsimulator der Verkehrswacht
- virtuelles Fahrzeug lackieren (Lackiersimulator)
- Welding trainer for everyone
- Virtual disassembly of a petrol engine with VR glasses
- Robotics club at Friedrichshagen primary school - an insight into the world of robotics with Lego Mindstorms/Spike Prime
- Live demonstration of camera technology in the sewer area
- Hands-on activity: hair colouring and cutting practice for young & old
- Working with fast-setting concrete
- VR application "Conflicts in training"
Health, social affairs and children
- Blood pressure measurements
- Carry out hand disinfection correctly with "UV control lamp"
- Smoothie-Bike
- Mobile advice bus from the family centre with outdoor games
- Kinderschminken, bunte Strähnen, Tattoos u.v.m.
- Cutting hair for a good cause
Receive information
- Apprenticeship counselling
- Further education counselling
- Management Consultancy
- Advice on course funding
- Start-up opportunities in the context of company succession
- Presentation of the IHK OBB training/internship atlas and the nexxt change company exchange
- In-service advanced training
- Business start-up
- Legal quiz
- Internships abroad for trainees
- Labour exchange
- Professional recognition
Visit the workshops
- offene Ausbildungswerkstätten: Elektrotechnik/Elektronik - KFZ - Maler/Lackierer - Metallbau - Sanitär/Heizung/Klima - Schweißen
Hier finden Sie einen alphabetischen Überblick der bereits angemeldeten Unternehmen und Einrichtungen (Stand: 05.09.2024):
- ADFB GmbH (mechanical engineering)
- Employment Agency
- Bredereck Willkomm Attorneys at Law
- Bumke GmbH (Heating/Sanitary)
- BVO Bodenverwertung Ost GmbH (Baunebengewerbe)
- Cemex Zement GmbH
- DHL Group
- EWE Vertrieb GmbH (energy supply)
- Fels-Werke GmbH (Kalkwerk Rüdersdorf)
- Hairdresser Team TREND
- Municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin
- Office for Deutsche Vermögensberatung Paul Gerstmann (Financial Services)
- GPI Berlin GmbH (Verpackungsindustrie)
- Chamber of Skilled Crafts Frankfurt (Oder) - Region East Brandenburg
- "Haus Kiebitz" e.V. - independent youth welfare organisation
- Heino Schulz GmbH (Heizung, Sanitär, Klimatechnik)
- Hoffmeier Industrieanlagen GmbH + Co. KG
- IHK-Projektgesellschaft mbH Ostbrandenburg (education service provider)
- Immanuel Dienstleistungen gGmbH (Speisenversorgung und Hauswirtschaft)
- Immanuel Haus am Kalksee (fully inpatient, outpatient care)
- Immanuel Klinik Rüdersdorf / Polyclinic / Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane
- East Brandenburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce
- L.T.G. Langenlonsheimer Transport GmbH (forwarding and logistics)
- Märkische S5-Region e.V. (Tourismusverein)
- Mayer Kanalmanagement GmbH (Services)
- Medworx (Chirurgiemechanik)
- Metallbau Franz GmbH
- PORR Equipment Services Deutschland GmbH (Baugewerbe)
- ProColor Powder Coating GmbH
- RASK Brandenburg GmbH (construction industry)
- Rhenus Home Delivery GmbH (Logistics)
- Siegfried Erkner & Sohn GmbH (automotive industry)
- Stephanus gGmbH: Marienhaus und Werkstätten
- STIC Wirtschaftsfördergesellschaft Märkisch-Oderland mbH
- thomas betonbauteile Fehrbellin GmbH & Co. KG (construction industry)
- Brandenburg State Economic Development Corporation
Am 27. August 2022 fand erstmalig die „Bunte Meile – Das Fest an der B1“ im Gewerbegebiet Herzfelde (Bereich Eichen-/Ulmenstraße, 15378 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin) statt. Bei dem Fest für die ganze Familie haben sich Handwerk und Gewerbe ebenso präsentiert wie Vereine und andere. Auf einzelnen Themeninseln wie Stahl und Zement, Holz, Gesundheit oder Verkehr gab es viele spannende Vorstellungen und Einblicke. Gemeinsam haben wir gezeigt, dass die Gemeinde Rüdersdorf bei Berlin nicht nur attraktive Arbeitgeber hat, sondern auch ein Ort zum Leben mit vielfältigen lokalen Angeboten ist.