There is a parking space for motorhomes and caravans in the car park in Heinitzstraße (Museumspark der Baustoffindustrie).
Aktuelles: Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie bei der Campingsäule erst die entsprechende Nummer drücken und anschließend der Geldeinwurf erfolgt! Trinkwasser ist nicht in Betrieb. Beim Strom funktioniert nur Steckdose 2.

Camping pillar
The municipality of Rüdersdorf near Berlin offers camping enthusiasts with motorhomes a supply and disposal facility for drinking water and waste water. There is also an electricity connection. Drinking water and electricity can be used for a fee of €0.50 each. The camping pillar is usually ready for use from April to October. Waste water can be disposed of and electricity can be used all year round.

Overview map car park
Overnight stays on our motorhome pitch are possible. A maximum of 10 motorhomes may use the car park at the same time. Reservations are not possible, it is a public car park.

Bivouac site
Rüdersdorf offers guests with muscle-powered boats a simple and free overnight accommodation option with a tent directly on the Strausberger Mühlenfließ at the gates of the museum park. The bivouac site is only intended for short-term overnight stays and not for longer stays. Camping is possible from 15 April to 31 October - in the designated area for one night only. A maximum of 4 tents (4 persons each) are permitted. A dry toilet is available during this period.