Youth facilities
Below you will find an overview of the youth facilities available in our municipality.
Young people can also take advantage of leisure activities in our diverse range of clubs and associations.
Youth facilities in our community

Herzfelde Meeting Centre
im Ortsteil Herzfelde
Möllenstraße 12
15378 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin
Telefon: (033434) 45217
Das Jugendzentrum Notausgang bietet hier jeden Mittwoch von 14-18 Uhr verschiedene Jugendangebote an, wie Tanzkurse, Sportspiele, Zocken/Gamernachmittage, Kochen, Ferienangebote etc.
Außerdem gibt es Basteln und Kreativangebote vom Kreativzirkel (14-tägig).

Emergency exit youth centre
Anna Hönig und Julia Müske
Willi-Müller-Straße 11
15562 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin
Telefon: (01575) 9626175
Fax: (033638) 29751
E-Mail: jz-notausgang@web.de
Homepage: www.facebook.com/Jz.Notausgang
Montag bis Freitag von 13.00 bis 19.00 Uhr

Housing procurement
Henry Gergs
- Dipl. Sozialpädagoge/-arbeiter (FH)
- MA Social Management
- Phone: 033638 - 736 13
- Email: hgergs@wibb-wibo.de
Straße der Jugend 31
15562 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin
Phone: 033638 - 736 0
Fax: 033638 - 736 23
Email: wibb@wibb-wibo.de

Gemeindejugendring e.V.
Sebastian Skiba
Brückenstr. 78 a
15562 Rüdersdorf bei Berlin
Phone: (033638) 482517
Email: gemeindejugendring-ev@outlook.de
Opening hours
Current opening hours during school hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 to 5 pm. For Fridays, always check the current late afternoon programme.
There is a special offer for primary school pupils in years 2 to 6 on Wednesdays from 3 to 6 p.m.: "What dress does the forest wear today" - a school year project until July 2024.
The advertising pillar in front of the building provides information about opening hours and current offers.